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Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend Report

Friday November 26  2010 -

Woke up so tired and sore I didnt go to breakfast. Had a power bar for breakfast before class. did make it to class and I am glad I did because class was fun. Worked on my new form, the Sparring form in Wing Chun. Got taught a few extra moves from one of the older students as welll. 

Second class was Baji. Didn't learn any new moves but I practiced and worked on my performance. After class, Master Gou told us instead of going to do the reuglar Mountain run we will go to the 9 Dragon Pools. Will send pictures when I can.  

At lunch we were all talking about the Dragon pools and everyone was excited to go. 

The dragon pools are about a 10 minute drive from the academy. Master Gou said we will stay as a group and walk there. So I got ready.  This means I packed my back pack with power bars, filled up my Camel Pack (which is a big drinking water bag inserted into my backpack), and brought my camera. 

We drove there and our class got out and started walking as a group like Master Gou told us to.  After 3 minutes of walking, the Head Master pulls up in his car beside our class. Master Gou walks over to the car and surprisingly he starts to get in the car. As he is getting in the car, Master Gou just points to the other classes with a smile on his face. (??) That is when hell began. Master Gou and Head Master drove off.  One of the other Masters came behind our class.  Our class was the last class on the road to the Dragon Pools because we were walking.  This Master came up to us and started yelling at us in chinese! I looked to see who this teacher was who was yelling at us and I discovered unfortunately it was Master Terminator (He isnt a 'terminator', he just looks like a machine from his expressions and how BUFF he is) who was the one yelling at us to run. Clement took point and we all ran in a line because we were in the street. My backpack was a bit heavy (all the extra water?) but I managed to keep a good pace. We had to catch up to the other classes.  The other classes would walk a little but' when our class caught up they would start running again. We didnt get a break! We ran non-stop for 30 minutes. When we got to the base of the Dragon Pools Master Gou was waiting there smiling. I walked over and said, "Wow Shifu (master in chinese) you run fast!" and we both laughed. I thought we were at the Dragon pools...i was wrong. We walked down a narrow path, over bridges, and Jacob, matt, and i were the last ones because we would stop and take pictures. 

Behind us was Master Gou and the Head Master. we got to a water fall at a base of a mountain where there were nine pools in a row. The water was amazingly clear. we start walking up, and I managed to get a picture with Master Gou! He pointed out something on the ground. Then I heard him say Ice...I looked and by the waterfall there were patches of ICE! it was freezing cold so it would make sense for ice to be forming. We continued up the mountain. Winds are blowing harder, its getting colder, and the worst part was the sun was going down. But I was still taking pictures with Matt, Jospeh, and having fun. I told Jospeh we have to come back and explore. We made a big circle, after stopping at the Dragon Kings Tomb where Matt and I got a picture with our Shifu, and started walking down the mountain. My feet hurt extremely bad, my backpack got a little light when i drank my water and gave Matt and Josph some power bars. we got out of the Dragon pool path and back to where the cars where. Lots of the other students started walking back. It was just Matt, Joseph, four other guys and me along with Master Gou, Master Terminator, and the Head Master. The other guys were hoping to get a ride with the Head Master but I told Matt and Jospeh let's just walk. I figured if we asked for a ride our Shifu will think we are weak, especially the Head Master. after some convincing I got Matt to walk with us. I was extremely tired, my back hurt, and my feet were on fire, but
I would rather suffer through the pain rather than look weak to Master Gou. We got half way down the hill almost to the street and we see the four guys who were planning to beg for a ride with the teachers.  They were not in fact sitting in a comfortable car next to Head Master.  No, instead we saw them running down the hill with Master Terminator chasing them to make them run even faster. We kept walking but then when they catch up to us, Master Terminator yells at us to run! We ran the whole way back. 

I was starving when I got back so Sam and I went next door for an early dinner.

After i showered, got in bed, and was watching a movie on my laptop when  Kjitel knocked on my door to ask if I was going next door for Maggi's going away dinner. So I got dressed and headed over for about an hour. Chatted with a few friends then went back to my room.

Time to sleep




I planned a trip to Yantai with Kjitel, Kyle, Rob, and Jacob during breakfast. We are all on a budget so we decided to go the cheap way into bus. I had never taken a bus before but it is 1/10 the cost of a taxi.  We met up at 1pm outside, walked down the road to the bus stop by the everything store and got in. I was expecting an old, dirty, smelly bus, but it was actually really nice with nice seats. By taxi it takes about an hour to go to Yantai, by bus it takes 2 hours. I brought my ipod and with Kyle, watched a few eopisodes of family guy on it. We get into town and we shoped around for a little bit. We split up because I wanted to go to the weapon shop with Rob and Kjitel and Jacob and Kyle shopped around in the mall. I never walked around the city before because I always had a taxi. It was nice walking everywhere. Rob and I never took the bus before until today. We walked around the town, got lost in some markets, found a few new cool stores, and then met up with Kyle and Jacob after a few hours. We walked to the bath house. I never been to the one in Yantai before. This place looked like a 5 star hotel. It made the bath house i usually go to in Muping look like a Motel. The baths were nicer, the beds where we sleep are nicer, even the pajamas they give us were a little nicer. I usually pay 20 yuan a night at Muping which is extremely cheap for all the services we get but this place charged only 50 yuan and it was amazing. 

After we showered up and relaxed a bit we went out to dinner to celebrate Kjitels birthday. Then after that we went back to the Bath house had a a great shower then off to bed.


Woke up at 8:32 am. I never slept in so long without waking up ever since I got to China. I felt great. We wanted to do a little last minute shopping. I didn't want to buy anything so I just went along. While the other guys went into Walmart, I went to a tea shop with Rob. They served us sample teas which they made right in front of us. It was amazing. We decided we should go to a real tea house one weekend. I went here last weekend with Mark, Danny, and the taxi driver after the tattoo so I knew we can drink the sample tea and leave for free but Rob didnt believe me. Then he wanted to buy something in Walmart and asked if I would go. I told him I will wait here. After a while Kyle came and joined me and we also had some tea. Then we left and got some food upstairs at KFC. Met up with the guys after we ate and we decided to go home. We walked around for an hour and a half looking for the Bus station. we found 3 other stations but they didnt have a bus that goes to Kunyushan. We finally found the station and the bus to Kunyushan left already and it was the last bus! So we walked about another half hour to a bus stop to take us to Muping. Took about an hour on the bus to go there. We didn't take a nice bus this time. Everyone on the bus to Yantai yesterday and on the way to Muping today stared at us like we were Aliens. We caught a bus from Muping to Yantai and made it back before dinner. Took us another hour to get back. 

It was nice to shower and lay down in bed.

Had an early night


I was so sore this morning. I do not know if it was from walking, but my back was hurting a lot. 

Morning class hurt. stretching hurt so bad. Learned more of my sparring form. 

Conditioning was not too bad. Jospeh and Matt punched my Lats muscles and my ribs for conditioning. this week i was feeling pretty good so I had them punch me harder. The sensation of being punched very quickly and hard feels incredable. At the end of class Rorey and his brother graded their last forms because they leave today.

At lunch we had a good chat about politics in China. I will not state what we said because we all have our own opions but I will say I am glad I am learning how to speak Chinese.

Afternoon class was Baji. Learned a couple new steps in it. I was a bit fustrated that everyone in the class is further in the form than I am. Matt offered to teach me more moves but Shifu was coming so I said 'no its ok'. I don't know if Master Gou would allow that. I learned a few more moves in the sparring form because my partner knows more than me and we are taught together by Master Gou. In Baji, Master Gou teaches me by myself which is good because the guys who are on the same move get taught together and have less time with the Shifu. So it has its Pros and Cons. 

At dinner I talked to Joseph and we might go climb the Dragon Pools again and go down a different path that is supposed to be awesome. I asked him if Master Gou would get mad if we get taught by another student to learn the form sooner. His answer was pretty scary.  He said if I do learn it from someone else I better not even bother showing Shifu because if it is wrong, he might not help as much since I am learning it from someone else. I am glad I didnt let Matt teach me. I can be patient.

Today was a long painful day.

Going to get some rest.




  1. scotter,
    you look buff. why? hahaha. Jk. Thse pictures where awesome! was the water as clear as the philipines, or clearer? Take care of yourself as it gets colder, ok? the family tells me you're going to travel china for the holidays, that sould be really fun! Today as i write this, i finished my 1st highschool application of my arts school. i feel very accomplished, and for some reason at the end i thought of you. Hmmmm..wierd. well, gota go scott!
    love you

  2. Wow! A lit for 1 blog haha but I like this terminator guy jk lol I can only say that as long as I am not around him. I think it's funny how your master smiled and pointed. That bus trip sounds fun. You think you'll take a bus again? Or is that the last time? Lol dang you're becoming a rebel now haha waking up at 832. Shoot. They have a kfc out there too!? Do they even know where or what kentucky is? Or even what kfc stands for? I know americans wouldn't know anything about other countries let alone their own lol always remember patience is key. "never stare at the finger or you'll miss all the heavenly glory"
