(Oops I forgot to post this. Editor)
Thursday November 18 Day of the Snake
Morning class was curcit training. I was very sore from POWER TRAINING, but i like curcit training.
During warm ups we had to do the splits. Master Gou wasn't in the room when we did the splits so I Faced Kjetil and had my left leg forward, he put his left leg forward to me and we would pull each others leg tll we said 'stop'. It was a great stretch. we also did the same thing for the other leg. When we did the middle splits i put my leg behind his and he was able to reach it and pull and i would pull his. We invented...a new way to feel pain.
After lunch and break we had to do the run. While i was running I saw a snake. I told Kjetil, "Snake." And pointed. Rob came running behind us. Saw me pointing, looked at the snake, and Rob jumped 100 feet in the air and screamed. It was hilarious. That is how we found out Rob didn't like snakes. The sad thing was the snake was already dead, got ran over.
Afternoon class was san da. I enjoy San Da. Hitting the bags are also fun. I paired up with Matt and we trained pretty hard. I would try to punch him and he would have to duck and hit the bag, kick, etc. Then we would swap. Shifu came out told us to hit with our hips, "More power!"
At dinner i saw the little French boy again. Brought my phone so he could play. He leaves saturday and he asked me if i can go to his birthday party. He lives in Xin Yu down by Hong Kong. I told him, "My master wouldnt like me missing training, so i cant make it but thank you for the invite." He looked so sad. Then he said, "Tell him you are sick!" I laughed, "I still have to train even if i am sick." I felt bad because he looked crushed. But luckily the game put him in a good mood again.
Mountain run tomorrow.
Lmao reminds me of chase at camp hahaha N hey at least we know that that little kid knows a good friend when he sees one. Dude r u able to do the splits now?!?