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Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend Report

Friday November 26  2010 -

Woke up so tired and sore I didnt go to breakfast. Had a power bar for breakfast before class. did make it to class and I am glad I did because class was fun. Worked on my new form, the Sparring form in Wing Chun. Got taught a few extra moves from one of the older students as welll. 

Second class was Baji. Didn't learn any new moves but I practiced and worked on my performance. After class, Master Gou told us instead of going to do the reuglar Mountain run we will go to the 9 Dragon Pools. Will send pictures when I can.  

At lunch we were all talking about the Dragon pools and everyone was excited to go. 

The dragon pools are about a 10 minute drive from the academy. Master Gou said we will stay as a group and walk there. So I got ready.  This means I packed my back pack with power bars, filled up my Camel Pack (which is a big drinking water bag inserted into my backpack), and brought my camera. 

We drove there and our class got out and started walking as a group like Master Gou told us to.  After 3 minutes of walking, the Head Master pulls up in his car beside our class. Master Gou walks over to the car and surprisingly he starts to get in the car. As he is getting in the car, Master Gou just points to the other classes with a smile on his face. (??) That is when hell began. Master Gou and Head Master drove off.  One of the other Masters came behind our class.  Our class was the last class on the road to the Dragon Pools because we were walking.  This Master came up to us and started yelling at us in chinese! I looked to see who this teacher was who was yelling at us and I discovered unfortunately it was Master Terminator (He isnt a 'terminator', he just looks like a machine from his expressions and how BUFF he is) who was the one yelling at us to run. Clement took point and we all ran in a line because we were in the street. My backpack was a bit heavy (all the extra water?) but I managed to keep a good pace. We had to catch up to the other classes.  The other classes would walk a little but' when our class caught up they would start running again. We didnt get a break! We ran non-stop for 30 minutes. When we got to the base of the Dragon Pools Master Gou was waiting there smiling. I walked over and said, "Wow Shifu (master in chinese) you run fast!" and we both laughed. I thought we were at the Dragon pools...i was wrong. We walked down a narrow path, over bridges, and Jacob, matt, and i were the last ones because we would stop and take pictures. 

Behind us was Master Gou and the Head Master. we got to a water fall at a base of a mountain where there were nine pools in a row. The water was amazingly clear. we start walking up, and I managed to get a picture with Master Gou! He pointed out something on the ground. Then I heard him say Ice...I looked and by the waterfall there were patches of ICE! it was freezing cold so it would make sense for ice to be forming. We continued up the mountain. Winds are blowing harder, its getting colder, and the worst part was the sun was going down. But I was still taking pictures with Matt, Jospeh, and having fun. I told Jospeh we have to come back and explore. We made a big circle, after stopping at the Dragon Kings Tomb where Matt and I got a picture with our Shifu, and started walking down the mountain. My feet hurt extremely bad, my backpack got a little light when i drank my water and gave Matt and Josph some power bars. we got out of the Dragon pool path and back to where the cars where. Lots of the other students started walking back. It was just Matt, Joseph, four other guys and me along with Master Gou, Master Terminator, and the Head Master. The other guys were hoping to get a ride with the Head Master but I told Matt and Jospeh let's just walk. I figured if we asked for a ride our Shifu will think we are weak, especially the Head Master. after some convincing I got Matt to walk with us. I was extremely tired, my back hurt, and my feet were on fire, but
I would rather suffer through the pain rather than look weak to Master Gou. We got half way down the hill almost to the street and we see the four guys who were planning to beg for a ride with the teachers.  They were not in fact sitting in a comfortable car next to Head Master.  No, instead we saw them running down the hill with Master Terminator chasing them to make them run even faster. We kept walking but then when they catch up to us, Master Terminator yells at us to run! We ran the whole way back. 

I was starving when I got back so Sam and I went next door for an early dinner.

After i showered, got in bed, and was watching a movie on my laptop when  Kjitel knocked on my door to ask if I was going next door for Maggi's going away dinner. So I got dressed and headed over for about an hour. Chatted with a few friends then went back to my room.

Time to sleep




I planned a trip to Yantai with Kjitel, Kyle, Rob, and Jacob during breakfast. We are all on a budget so we decided to go the cheap way into bus. I had never taken a bus before but it is 1/10 the cost of a taxi.  We met up at 1pm outside, walked down the road to the bus stop by the everything store and got in. I was expecting an old, dirty, smelly bus, but it was actually really nice with nice seats. By taxi it takes about an hour to go to Yantai, by bus it takes 2 hours. I brought my ipod and with Kyle, watched a few eopisodes of family guy on it. We get into town and we shoped around for a little bit. We split up because I wanted to go to the weapon shop with Rob and Kjitel and Jacob and Kyle shopped around in the mall. I never walked around the city before because I always had a taxi. It was nice walking everywhere. Rob and I never took the bus before until today. We walked around the town, got lost in some markets, found a few new cool stores, and then met up with Kyle and Jacob after a few hours. We walked to the bath house. I never been to the one in Yantai before. This place looked like a 5 star hotel. It made the bath house i usually go to in Muping look like a Motel. The baths were nicer, the beds where we sleep are nicer, even the pajamas they give us were a little nicer. I usually pay 20 yuan a night at Muping which is extremely cheap for all the services we get but this place charged only 50 yuan and it was amazing. 

After we showered up and relaxed a bit we went out to dinner to celebrate Kjitels birthday. Then after that we went back to the Bath house had a a great shower then off to bed.


Woke up at 8:32 am. I never slept in so long without waking up ever since I got to China. I felt great. We wanted to do a little last minute shopping. I didn't want to buy anything so I just went along. While the other guys went into Walmart, I went to a tea shop with Rob. They served us sample teas which they made right in front of us. It was amazing. We decided we should go to a real tea house one weekend. I went here last weekend with Mark, Danny, and the taxi driver after the tattoo so I knew we can drink the sample tea and leave for free but Rob didnt believe me. Then he wanted to buy something in Walmart and asked if I would go. I told him I will wait here. After a while Kyle came and joined me and we also had some tea. Then we left and got some food upstairs at KFC. Met up with the guys after we ate and we decided to go home. We walked around for an hour and a half looking for the Bus station. we found 3 other stations but they didnt have a bus that goes to Kunyushan. We finally found the station and the bus to Kunyushan left already and it was the last bus! So we walked about another half hour to a bus stop to take us to Muping. Took about an hour on the bus to go there. We didn't take a nice bus this time. Everyone on the bus to Yantai yesterday and on the way to Muping today stared at us like we were Aliens. We caught a bus from Muping to Yantai and made it back before dinner. Took us another hour to get back. 

It was nice to shower and lay down in bed.

Had an early night


I was so sore this morning. I do not know if it was from walking, but my back was hurting a lot. 

Morning class hurt. stretching hurt so bad. Learned more of my sparring form. 

Conditioning was not too bad. Jospeh and Matt punched my Lats muscles and my ribs for conditioning. this week i was feeling pretty good so I had them punch me harder. The sensation of being punched very quickly and hard feels incredable. At the end of class Rorey and his brother graded their last forms because they leave today.

At lunch we had a good chat about politics in China. I will not state what we said because we all have our own opions but I will say I am glad I am learning how to speak Chinese.

Afternoon class was Baji. Learned a couple new steps in it. I was a bit fustrated that everyone in the class is further in the form than I am. Matt offered to teach me more moves but Shifu was coming so I said 'no its ok'. I don't know if Master Gou would allow that. I learned a few more moves in the sparring form because my partner knows more than me and we are taught together by Master Gou. In Baji, Master Gou teaches me by myself which is good because the guys who are on the same move get taught together and have less time with the Shifu. So it has its Pros and Cons. 

At dinner I talked to Joseph and we might go climb the Dragon Pools again and go down a different path that is supposed to be awesome. I asked him if Master Gou would get mad if we get taught by another student to learn the form sooner. His answer was pretty scary.  He said if I do learn it from someone else I better not even bother showing Shifu because if it is wrong, he might not help as much since I am learning it from someone else. I am glad I didnt let Matt teach me. I can be patient.

Today was a long painful day.

Going to get some rest.



Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thanksgiving in China


I woke up sore. I didnt think I would be because yesterday power training wasn't too hard. But this morning I had a hard time getting up. I had a power bar instead of going down to breakfast because 1. I was too sore to get out of bed. and 2. I was still kinda full from food from next door when we celebrated Kjitel's birthday.

Anyway made it to class.  Morning class was painful. Kjitel stretched me like crazy but I got my revenge. Then the drills were not to bad. After drills, we hit the punching bags, and then at the end Master Gou had us run and kick a pad that he held up pretty high while he stood on a stool. It was fun.

Before lunch I started watching a movie called Ip Man. It is an amazing movie! I was so into the movie I did not even go down for lunch. The movie is about a man who practiced Wing Chun. This is a biography of the guy who trained Bruce Lee.  It really made me want to learn Wing Chun 10 times more. If you havent seen it I suggest you watch it. 

Afternoon class was Baji. After drills I paired up with Gram and we did Wing Chun slap boxing. You are supose to hit the houlders and hips for points. The trick is we can grab and kick so it made things a bit more difficult. It was a good way to practice my speed. After that we did some pad work. When I was punching I reopened a scab on my knuckle I got a few days ago and blood was all over my hand and a bit on the pad. 

After class I went upstairs. Joseph was walking by my room and I remembed it was Thanksgiving today so I wished him Happy thanksgiving. He totally forgot all about it. I told him my parents sent me some precooked turkey and gravy dinners and he can have some with me if he likes. While I was showing him the food, Matt stopped by to pick up the movie I borrowed off of him. I told him we are going to celebrate Thanksgiving and he can have some. These are turkey and stuffing dinners  that are in little plastic tubs.  didn't need to be in refrigerator nor a can opener.  My dad suggested I warm the dinners up on the radiatiors, I thought that was a great idea except for the fact that radiators don't get hot 'till nighttime. We didn't want to wait that late.  So I got a bucket the academy gave us. People use it for washing stuff. I never used mine. I told Joseph to come with me to fill up two water thermos' with hot water, while Matt got the spoons. we got the stuff all together. I showed the guys I even got a can of Cranberry sauce (from care package) but no can opener. Joseph went to his room and got a knife and started trying to open the can. I got the bucket, filled the bucket with hot water and put the dinners in. The academy won't allow us to have microwaves in our rooms. But I did have the drinking water cooler that had a side for hot water so I had an unlimited amount of hot water.  

While turkey dinners were warming up and Joseph worked on the can, I got some crackers out, nutella (also from care package), and other snacks. Once joseph got the can open we started thinking who else were Americans. 

Joseph said how about Exavier, AKA X. So Joseph went down the hall to find him. X is a vegitarian but he came to join us because today is the day when he will eat meat. X is a cool guy. I never talked to him much besides seeing him in the halls and around but he came to join our little feast and he is cool. I added another dinner to my hot water heater. I put another bucket on top of the 'cooking' bucket so the heat would stay inside a bit better. X was so shocked we were doing something. Joseph told him it was all my idea because he forgot about Thanksgiving. I told them my parents sent me several turkey dinners so I can celebrate with a few of my friends here. They all said, "We love you and your parents." X was even shocked how I figured out a way to warm up our turkey dinners. 

After a while we checked the dinners and they were very hot and ready. While we ate we all talked about different stories of home, about what we would be doing with our family if we were there today and about different stories of our masters. It was a great bonding time. I had two more turkey dinners left, X and Matt didnt want any more since they finished off their dinners and had started eating some peanuts, crackers, and easy cheese (canned cheese from care pack), so Joseph and I threw those two dinners in my hot water 'cooker' and waited for them to warm up. 

Mat  X  Me  and Joseph at Thanksgiving

Mat  X  Me  and Joseph at Thanksgiving

I do not think I could have spent Thanksgiving any better than in my room with three of my Kung Fu brothers. Joseph is from Gorgia, X is from Florida, Matt is from Saint Martin in the Caribians so he never celebrated Thanksgiving before, but I can honestly say, I will always remember this Thanksgiving. After we all ate we didn't know what to do next. X went down to dinner to get a vegitarian dinner, so Joseph borrowed some of X's movies and we decided to watch a movie. We chose "House of Flying Daggers" and watched it on Joseph's laptop since his screen was bigger than mine. We had a great time watching it. Even Sam watched a bit of the movie with us when he came in to the room. Joseph bought us some cookies from the store downstairs to eat and dip in nutella and my peanut butter and jelly.

After the movie the guys went back to there rooms. I cleaned up a bit and now going to bed.

Tomorrow is the mountain run.

I was sad when i was coming here because I knew I would miss Thanksgiving with my family and all the food. Today I had Thanksgiving with my new family.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Happy Kjitel Day


The Sun is out! It is amazing! The wind is getting stronger but the SUN is still out. Each day I wake up to sunlight is a good day. I can wait for the snow. Snow comes with cold and training in the cold now is not fun therefore training in snow will be extremely hard. Two more students joined the academy today. Two guys from France. hope they dont mind the cold.

Learned the first part of the Sparring form in Wing Chun. I picked it up very fast. Master Gou taught me 5 moves. There are 27 moves in total. I will try to learn them all before the next grading. 

Lunch was good. I learned a new trick for lunch. Since afternoon training is always in front of the dining hall and we end class around 15 minutes to lunch, instead of going to my room, I might as well wait and be the first in line. I have been waiting all week but today I improved my trick. Lately Kjitel cuts infront of me when we get in because I stand on the door that opens. There are two doors, only one opens. So Kjitel would wait at the door that doesn't open so when I get pushed back from the door that opens he sneaks in! So now I stole his spot and since I wait there I am first to get food now. 

Afternoon run was good. Duriung the run I ran the whole thing a bit faster. I can feel my legs becoming stronger so I can run faster. Today before we ran, I found out it was Kjitel's BDAY! We all sang to him before we ran. 

POWER TRAINING was not too bad today. We did regular drills only half way across the room. The other class was training inside so we couldn't do drills all across the sad. Not! But we didn't do the 'leap frogs' which I was hoping for because those were actually fun. After planks we had to do finger push ups. Not on our fingers but on the last knucle on our fingers, the one closet to the finger nail. IT IS VERY DIFFICULT. I had to do the push ups on the mat because the floor hurt too much. If we did it on the mat we had to do 30, on the floor only 10. After those we had to do 30 "finger to knuckle" push ups. I can do those easy. 

After dinner I went upstairs, took a shower, chatted online, and then right when i was in bed about to sleep i hear a knock on the door. It was Kjitel. He came up to ask if i wanted to go next door with him, his roommate, danny, and a couple other guys to celebrate his birthday. I couldnt say no! So i got dressed and headed over. After a couple chicken wings and fried rice we headed back. 

It was a good night. Kjitel turned 27 today. 



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Morning breakfast was good. I ran out of Bananas to put in my oatmeal so i will buy more this weekend.

Morning training was really fun. We did Wing Chun applications. We paired up and did moves on one another after the line drills.

Afternoon class was Baji applications. That was even more fun. During the applications I paired up with Kjitel for both classes. While we practiced the moves for each form, we would add a 'take down' or swipe the leg or take out the knee just to see if it will work then we asked Master Gou if we can do the extra move and he would smile and nod. It is cool just adding extra moves that we know to the forms.

Lunch was really good. Lately class is over about ten minutes to lunch instead of 30 minutes like the other weeks, so I just wait in line with Kjitel and usually he gets to the food before me.  I am the second one to get food because no matter if I get in line first in front of kjitel while we wait outside in line he always cuts in front of me.

Afternoon class was stance training and my legs are still sore from class.

Then before dinner I met my new next door neighbor who replaced Rodney, a man named Si. He is about 42, but looks like he is 30. He was born in England but came here from Brazil, but lived in India longer. He is very energetic, a few people around here thinks he is a bit crazy.  I never really had a full  conversation with him until today. I was in my room reading a new Book called the Three Kingdoms, which was given to me from Joseph, when Si comes in and asked how I was doing. I said 'fine'. We started talking about where he was from, how he lived in India and then went to Brazil to do kappawara and teach yoga. Then I asked if he teaches yoga here and he mentioned on Sundays he got a few guys including Sam to do a yoga class. I want to practice yoga on a daily basis if he could teach me. He told me actually he does do yoga on a daily basis in the morning starting at 5am! Oh, I did not ask if I could join him for a 5am class..... I was thinking of something more in the afternoons. He showed me a couple moves and explained different types of yoga to me. I told him my sister does Bikrum yoga and when I tried it I almost died. 

When we looked at the time it was 5:50pm. Dinner started about 2o minuts ago and here, if you don't get food within 5 minutes after the 5:30 start, all the food will be gone! We ran to the dining hall and found out that there was no more food. So I told him lets go next door for dinner. He never ate there before so we got some money and went there to eat. Met up with a few other people from the academy going to eat there too and had a good meal. Now I just got back from dinner. POWER TRAINING is tomorrow so going to get a good sleep. I hope I can do some yoga in the afternoons, I think that would be fun.



Monday, November 22, 2010

Zi Long, Fei Hu, or Zhui Feng, help me choose

(Three posts today   Editor)

Monday November 22

Breakfast was once again longed for when I woke up this morning. 

In morning class I learned the whole second form! I hope I can grade this form soon. It might be as early as tomorrow because a student is leaving and he might grade. I do not know if I can grade tommorrow as well. After class I asked Master Gou if he can think of a chinese name for me. He said he will tell me later this afternoon. I could not wait.

Afternoon class was conditioning. As usual it was cold outside so when we hit each other it stung a bit more. After we did the usual of hitting each other, Master Gou showed Andres how he used to condition his shins. Master used Andres as a partner. How to 'condition' is that one partner would kick the other partner's side of the shins on both legs, then the insides. once one partner finished they switch. Master Gou demonstrated this on Andres.  When it was Andres turn, Andres could not kick or lift his leg much after Master beat on him. 

I asked master "when we kick each other does the kicker use his shins or his feet?" Master said, "I show you". I braced myself for pain. He kicked me once and my leg went numb. Then he kicked my other leg. With great speed he then kicked the inside of my shin, I almost collasped. then he hit the other leg. each time he kicked me, my leg would move back because he hit me with so much force. Then before I could thank him for the 'instruction' and walk away, he said "or you can kick like this" and hit my left shin AGAIN! then he laughs. My shins hurt for the rest of the day!

Lunch was amazing. I was so hungry. Maybe it was from the extra cleaning this morning (Yes I still do chores Mondays) or the conditioning but I was first in line.

Afternoon training was Baji, I am not close to finishing my Baji form yet. There are a lot of moves to this one. Once class ended I asked Master Gou if he thought of a name for me. He said he thought of three names. Zi Long, Fei Hu, and Zhei Feng. 

He said these three name reseble me the best. Chinese have three names. Surname-Last name, Givin name-First name, and a Style name- which is giving at a coming of age ceremony which was famous back during the Six Dynisties. Today i am not sure if people use style names. Style names are only givin to one by their Master, or Friends, but never a family member. Style names are only used by supiriors and friends to show respect or gratetude to one. Family can never call one by a style name. Master Gou gave me three style names to choose from:

Zi Long-Means Sub-Dragon. A famous General in the Three Kingdom Era. His name was Zhou Yun but his style name is Zi Long. Zi Long served Lui Bei in the war as his best and most loyal general. The history behind him is amazing but I will not go too much into detail here. Zi Long was known to be very loyal, brave, a skillful warrior as well as very chrismatic and even a bit of a ladies man. ( Sound like me yet?) He says I display all these attributes during class, i am not sure how ladies man fits in, maybe i just got lucky. 

Fei Hu-means Flying Tiger. This is the most powerful animal in chinese history. Master said chinese say Dragons are powerful but no one ever seen one. A tiger is known for power. But a tiger who flies like a dragon is the most powerful. He says I display a lot of power in my training so this resembles me. 

Zhui Feng-Means. Follow the wind. Master says that i pick up forms very quick and I move fast and always going like the wind.

Zhui Feng Xi Yin Qian- means  

Wind Following Silver Cleansing Spear which is Zi Long's Weapon. 

In chinese Zi long- 子龙



I am not sure which iname I should choose. I like all three!

Any ideas?

Going to bed. Goodnight!


Quick weekend report


In the morning, I did some sparring training with Gram. We worked dodges, stances, and when someone rushes us with punches we practice moving instead of standing there with our guard up and panic. I can feel I will get stronger training with him. 

At 10am i went into town with Gram, Andres, Mark, Matt, Danny, and Aldo. First taxi ride with only WING CHUN guys. Thought that was funny. We went to the book store then Gram, Aldo, Mat, and Andres went to do their own shopping, while i went with Mark and Danny to the tattoo shop because Mark wanted a tattoo. Mark wanted a tiger on his side so i wanted to go with to check out the place since i am thinking about a tattoo also. The place was really nice, the tattoo artist had a lot of pictures of him Tattooing Foreigners and other pictures with cool designs. I even saw Rorey in one of the pictures. Mark has about 6 other tattos so this wasn't his first time. Mark is about 38, or 39, from Germany, and is leaving the academy in a few days so he wanted a tattoo. I realized age has no meaning here at the academy, i have so many older friends who feel like they are the same age as me. I am the youngest in my Wing chun class. Everyone is in there 20's or older. It is strange but at the same time cool. 

After the tattoo i went shopping at Walmart with Mark and Danny. And then Danny and I met up with Kjitel, Kyle, and Thomas and went to the bath house to sleep. 

In the morning we went to get some breakfast at a noodle shop i have been dying to go to and picked up my Kung Fu jacket at the tailors. Kjetil wanted to buy some stuff at the grocery store so we stopped there then headed back to the academy.

It was Sunday afternoon when we got back so I did some laundry, cleaned my room, and relaxed to get ready for monday.



Snake Style Kung Fu.... Jump really high... then run away from the snake?

(Oops   I forgot to post this.  Editor)

Thursday   November 18 Day of the Snake

Morning class was curcit training. I was very sore from POWER TRAINING, but i like curcit training.

During warm ups we had to do the splits. Master Gou wasn't in the room when we did the splits so I Faced Kjetil and had my left leg forward, he put his left leg forward to me and we would pull each others leg tll we said 'stop'. It was a great stretch. we also did the same thing for the other leg. When we did the middle splits i put my leg behind his and he was able to reach it and pull and i would pull his. We invented...a new way to feel pain

After lunch and break we had to do the run. While i was running I saw a snake. I told Kjetil, "Snake." And pointed. Rob came running behind us. Saw me pointing, looked at the snake, and Rob jumped 100 feet in the air and screamed. It was hilarious. That is how we found out Rob didn't like snakes. The sad thing was the snake was already dead, got ran over.  

Afternoon class was san da. I enjoy San Da. Hitting the bags are also fun. I paired up with Matt and we trained  pretty hard. I would try to punch him and he would have to duck and hit the bag, kick, etc. Then we would swap. Shifu came out told us to hit with our hips, "More power!" 

At dinner i saw the  little French boy again. Brought my phone so he could play. He leaves saturday and he asked me if i can go to his birthday party. He lives in Xin Yu down by Hong Kong. I told him, "My master wouldnt like me missing training, so i cant make it but thank you for the invite." He looked so sad. Then he said, "Tell him you are sick!" I laughed, "I still have to train even if i am sick." I felt bad because he looked crushed. But luckily the game put him in a good mood again.

Mountain run tomorrow.



Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday my first Time in the ring.


This morning everyone found out there was sparring after first class.

I want to sparr but I figured I'd train a bit more so I can well my first time. After we did drills we went to help set up the sparring equipment.

A few guys from my class were sparring today, Gram, Matt, and Luigi.  I was shocked. Wing Chun doesnt sparr a lot because the sparring is san da. The other classes do san da everyday! Matt went to sparr first. Within 30 seconds, he does a back hand spin move and hit his opponent with his elbow instead of his fist! He split the other guys eyebrow so deep he was bleeding a lot. The guy went to the hospital to get stitches. Then a few other guys like Kyle sparred, they all did well.

While I was watching, one of the translators came over and said, "Master Gou wants to know if you will sparr another student from another class?" Crap...the master asked me to spar...I can't say no. I wanted a few more weeks to train more but I didn't want to seem scared to the master. I said, "Ok who?" His name is Mike. He is in the Shaolon Class. About 27 years old, from Liverpool, a little taller than me but his Arms were 3 times bigger than mine...crap. I said, "Alright, time to play." 

I got my gear on a few guys gave me some last minute tips and we went in. First round was three minutes. I told myself, "Dont get knocked out, dont get taken down, and hit him a few times." It was my first time in the ring and it was his first as well. 3 MINUTES NEVER FELT SO LONG IN MY LIFE. 

I hit him a few good times, got some good dodges, he hit me a few times as well but there wasnt much power so i didnt get phased. When the round was over, everyone was shocked. They said i was doing really well. Master Gou said I am doing well and I should throw more straight punches. 

Round two went, it was the final round. Got a few more punches in and when it was over i was a bit sad. I was having fun. My lip was cut a bit, nose bled a little, but i didnt get taken down, didnt get knocked out, and by what everyone told me i got a lot of good hits on him. What better way to learn how to sparr than to go up against someone older, twice my weight, and buff? i cant think of anything. I have a few things to work on like better technique and stances but i had fun. When I went to sit down Sam took some pictures for me. He told me that the guy I fought did a lot of street fighting back in Liverpool and he told me that I did well against him. Gram even told me I did well and he said that 
i sure can take a punch and keep going. He wanted to improve some of his sparring techniques and i want to practice so he said we should practice in the ring during our breaks more. I agreed. Master gou told me a good way to learn how to sparr is by doing it. So i can learn from this experience then do better next time. 

Lunch was good. I was really hungry. We have the mountain run after and i am so tired.

I only did the bear crawl 6 times. my body was sore, I was pretty tired, so Matt and I headed back home.

Before dinner sam wanted to shave his head. I got to help! when I was shaving his head I was kind of worried that I might cut him so I was going a bit slow. Chris the viking came in and said shave it all off at once. I gave chris the clippers with relief. When I saw Chris quickly shaving Sam, I  told chris "Wow you're good at shaving." Chris said, "Its not difficult. My parents own sheep." he was joking, but it was pretty funny.

Then I went next door and had dinner with Danny, Sam, Biron, and Ash. 

Went back home to get an early sleep.

hello weekend!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Swan


Today is power training.

Morning class was pretty easy since we have Power TRAINING next. i learned the another move for my second form. I have ONE move left to learn then i can grade my second form!! 

After lunch it was Power Training. During lunch one of the guys got everyone in the Dining Hall to sing Happy Birthday IN CHINESE to the little boy. The little boy's name is Swan. I dont know how to spell a french name but it sounds like Swan. 

Power training was fun. Did the usual, but this time Master Gou had us do drills across the whole room! We usually only do it half way which is far but he made us add the second half!  He added another drill too. we had to Leap Frog across the whole room and back! There are about 14 of us so thats 14 backs we had to hop over! Then stretching and abs. I didnt have Rodney there competiting against me but Matt looked like he was trying to race me in abs so we raced in abs. 

After i went to the room, showered, and got ready for dinner
I enjoy eating at the little restaurant next door but last night I told the little boy he can play Worms on my phone at dinner! I went downstairs and found him. I told him he can play on my phone till dinner is over. The dad said it wasnt a good idea but since I promised the boy, I told the dad it is ok. 

Sam and I went next door to eat and when we were almost done eating, about 9 people came from the acadamy to eat as well, including Swan and his Dad. The Boy was so shocked to see me, he ran over and started talking about the game. I helped him a bit but he is really good at the game. 

Scott and 8 year old Swan
I guess everyone came next door to celebrate Swan's birthday. Yesterday when I taught him how to play I would say HIGH FIVE every time he killed the enemy worm. So when I was eating and watching him play, he would kill an enemy and say, "HI FIVE Scott!" Cute kid. He makes me miss my little cousins! Swan's dad had to keep telling him to eat his food because all he wanted to do is play the game. When he started eating I took my phone back and told him he can play tomorrow night. I headed back, exhausted from a long hard day, and was ready for bed.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today the sun was out a little

Tuesday November 16
(Also posted Monday's blog)

Today the sun was out a little. When it rains and storms, the internet connection goes out. That is one reason that I miss a day to post this blog. So if you check and I have not posted a blog, you will know that there is a storm in Yantai China. The other reason that the blog was late this time was that I got a care package from home. More on that later.

Since is was a warm day today, training didnt hurt as much. When we did drills the class split up because some guys were grading today. Today's grading are for people who failed at their Friday grading or are for people who are leaving before next week. Master Gou left about 7 of us to finish the drills and took the others who were grading to review their moves. Orun led one of the line drills and Kjetil led the other. In between reviewing the grading students, Master Gou would call over to us to do a certain drill. Several times Orun would not remember or not know how to do the drill Master wanted us to do. When that happed, I would show Orun how to do it. Then everyone would follow. I thought it was funny how I am pretty new and I am helping one of the older students do the drills. 

Grading was really long today. A lot of people graded Shaolin, Baji, Ti Chi, and wing Chun forms. The Ti Chi forms took FOREVER! There were about 4 guys doing Ti Chi and each one went over 7 minutes. Watching it for 7 minutes isnt hard but they all did the same form! It became predictable and not as exciting! But that wasn't the worse part. They played the same chinese song that lasted about 4 minutes over and over. I think that song is in the movie Kung Fu Panda. The song is ok but when you hear that song play about twice each form it gets really annoying! I can hum the whole 4 minute song right now! 

After grading was lunch and a translator came and told me I have a package. My parents told me to expect a second care package from home.  Last time I got a package from home I just had to go downstairs to the office.  But they said this package was too big for the mailman to bring to the school. I had to get a taxi and go into town. I didnt mind. I was excited to get my goodies from home.

I love roller coaster. I always wished they were longer. My wish came true. Imagine yourself on a roller coaster in the shape of a taxi cab.  On the way to town I felt like I was in a roller coaster for 30 minutes! The car would swerve left, right, go over bumps, go in the oppistite lane towards on coming traffic. My heart skips a beat everytime a car passes us by, missing us by an inch. You would think I'd get used to it by now since I've been to town a few times but i can tell you, i still feel like I will crash. 

Got my package and it was 70 pounds and big! I got it in the taxi and to the school.  But then I had to carry it up 3 flights of stairs to my room! I managed to do it and not fall! More about the care package next blog.  All I will say now is that my parents said that they sent 100 packets of hot cocoa mix and they did.  They sent two boxes of Carnation hot cocoa mix and each box has 50 packets.

On my way to dinner i was playing Worms on my Iphone. When i was in line the little boy came up to me and asked me what I was playing. I explained the game to him and showed him and he asked if he can play. I said ok. Taught him the controls and let him play. When we got to the food he was addicted to the game. I told him when I was about his age my dad taught me how to play the same game. Only way I got my phone back was because his dad gave him a bowl to hold as we went through the food line. After I got my food I went to sit down. When I sat down the little boy followed me and told his dad to sit over here. He asked me if I too was with my dad. I told him no I'm here by myself. Then he told me about his sister who is 11years old made a Coke Rocket (from mentos and diet coke). We talked about how he is turning 8 tomorrow. Then we talked about Santa and how cold it must be where he lives. While we were talking his dad took a couple pics of us laughing and talking. When he finished eating he asked to play the game. I gave him my phone and he played for a bit. He said he will ask Santa for a iphone like mine with all the same apps. Cute kid. Then he said we should make an iphone that has an app where we can put a straw in it and drink Coke. For a 6 year old he can speak english as a second language very well. The dad told him it was time to go but he wanted to stay. My phone was almost dead so the boy gave my phone back and said that I should charge it before it dies! If my phone wasnt dead I am sure I would still be sitting at the dinner table helping him play Worms. 

Tomorrow is Power training day. Going to get some rest to be ready. 



"have you 'conditioned' your abs yet?"

Monday November 15

Today is conditioning day. I have no idea why, but when we were hitting the trees today to condition our hands it hurt 100000 times worse! Not to say that hitting a tree with your bare hand ever felt great but as I get used to the training here, most things get easier.  Joseph said it's the cold weather that makes it hurt more. Great!

After the tree we did the usual "kick each other in the back, legs, shins", the usual. But after Joseph said, "have you conditioned your abs yet?" I said, "No, how do you condition your abs?" They had me squat down in a horse stance and joseph would punch my abs. Then after I got used to the pain he would go harder, then faster, and my abs were on FIRE! After a while I said "stop". I was pretty sore. Who knew that getting punched in the stomach a million times by a kung fu student would hurt?  After a few weeks of this torture (I mean conditioning) and I'll be rock solid. After that, we 'conditioned'  chests. This time Matt and Joseph punched my chest, each taking one peck. I felt so weird. My body was practally vibrating and hurt but it was weird and I couldn't help but laugh. As they went faster, I laughed louder. It was pretty funny. When they stopped my chest was sore and I guess they were confused why was I laughing so hard. I have no idea either. We all took turns then we did our Lateral Muscle. Each guy stood on the side and punched my lats. This hurt the most. I was so sore at the end of class. Maybe training in the winter will make me a lot stronger since everything is a lot more difficult. I never thought of it this way.

A 7 year old boy and his Father joined our academy today. It's the Boys 8th birthday on thursday and his dad took him to train in China for a week. They are from France so the boy speaks english and french. Cute kid. he runs around most of the time during line ups or the morning runs. He has Sam's master as well. Sam tells me he just runs around during class as well and the Master just laughs.

Finished up my laundry today. It didn't fully dry yesterday, I guess it was too cold or nbot sunny enough. Doing laundry during the winter will not be fun...I can tell already. Anybody have any suggestions?




Sunday, November 14, 2010

People all over are reading this blog.

Welcome World!
I thought this statistic is interesting.  

Country   and 
Number of times my blog has been read

United States








