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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The story of Little Fat Chapter 1

July 20

Little Fat
So the Wingchun class has been growing bigger since its summer. A particular new student that joined us is named Houng Yuan, i think thats how it is spelled...well that's how you pronounce it. Master introduced him to us like this, "That little fat boy over there, thats Houng Yuan. He trained here for three years during summer." I started laughing because master was pretty rude calling him 'fat' in front of the whole class and master was laughing too. 

Houng Yuan is 12 years old Chinese boy. His english is not good but i communicate with him in Chinese. In class i would 'high five' him after he does the line drills or i would ask him, "Ni lei ma?" Which is 'are you tired' and he would laugh and say, "Hen Lei." very tired. He knows a lot of Wingchun forms. MASter would pair Zi Lu and me up with Houng Yuan sometimes because he knows our form we are on. I do not know if it was for him to practice like us or us to practice more like him. 

Last week was grading and Hong Yuan and I were grading the same form so we did a lot of practicing together and he is a cool little kid. I showed him some magic tricks that blew his mind. He was still trying to get me to tell him how i did it after class. Magic really confuses Chinese people, which makes it all more entertaining and enjoyable. Today i asked Houng Yuan if he had a English name. He told me 'no' so i asked if he wanted one and he really did. So i thought about it and next class i told him his new name is 'Mike'. I told the class and Mathiue called him 'Big Mike'. He seemed to like it. During power training i told Ash his name was Big Mike. He said it should be "Big Mac!". I laughed and told him nooo but i asked Mike is he liked Mike or Mac better and he liked Mac, plus he was able to say it better. So now his name is Big Mac. 

He is an adorable little kid. He always runs to where ever he is going. He runs to class, he runs to the bench after class to sit with his other Chinese friends, he always seems like he is on a mission. He calls me by my Chinese name 'Zi Long'. Master always beats him whenever he does one thing wrong. I have never seen Master seem so serious with anyone besides me and zi lu. Big Mac did not run enough the other day and master made him run up and down the hill until he said stop. Now i see why Chinese people are so good at martial arts.

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