Adventure 2.0
Tuesday May 3rd
Today is the second day of Master Guo's extra power training. Yesterday was the first time. Last night i was too tired from his training to write the blog for the day. all day yesterday starting from when i woke up, i told myself, "Pace yourself Scott, today you start your extra training." So before lunch Master Guo called in Mathieu, Raven, Anders, and I into his office to discuss our extra training. He told us we train after last class starting at 5pm Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Our workout is a circut. We do 10 squats with 2 25 pound weights on each side of a bench press bar. We drop that and sprit about 150 meters uphill to the gate of the school, San Da step backward to the beginning, do 10 sit ups on a decline bench, do 10 curl ups with two dumbles that are about 25 pounds and then repeat starting with squats again. We do that circut 10 times total. After we finish that ten times we take off 1 25 pound weight each side of the bench bar and do 10 push outs while switching fighting stances. Drop the bar and frog jump only a 100 meters and San Da step back with punches back. We do that 10 times. Then once we finish that we do 100 side kicks each leg and 100 combo punches on the punching bags. And then we finish the day.
When we heard that we were not too scared. Sounded not too bad. Not too band.... until we started... We were dying after the 6th sprint circut. Master Guo didnt watch because he was leading the Ti Qi class inside the training hall but he will occasionally send out a translator to tell us to run faster. Once we finished the 10th round we did the Frog jumps and push outs. Only did about 3 sets when Master Guo said do kicks and then go to dinner because it took us an hour and 20 minutes to do the circuits. We kicked as fast as we could to get to a 100. The bell rang for dinner and we were barely finished. We didnt leave the bags till master came out and said ok finished. He checked our shirts and said, "Not enough sweat. Not work hard enough." Then he mimed ringing out a shirt and said, " A lot of sweat. Very good." We waddled to the dining hall. I headed up to my room and took a shower and didnt leave my bed until the next morning.
I was so sore this morning. I couldnt stop thinking about the extra training. Today was stance training as well so our legs would be dead after that! Master Guo didnt seem to care because after stance training he told us to run faster today! We started off with the sprints as usual. Did that circut but faster because not only did master guo tell us to, he taught his class outside so he can watch us. When i was doing my squats i saw master guo pick up my staff and walk over behind us. Raven and Mathieu were taking a break and talking and didnt see Master walk over. When master was behind raven he yelled his name and raven immediately started doing curls...too late. Master guo swung the staff and hit him on his back and then hit mathieu before on the back of his legs mathieu could run away. Raven lifted his shirt to see if he had a mark and he had a huge welt across his lower back. After that i pushed myself even more. When we started the frog jumps master guo kept an eye on us. On my 8th one Master Guo says, "Zi long, how many?" I told him i did 8. The other guys only did 7 because i went first. He told us to do side kicks a 100 meters on one leg then switch legs and then side kick back the 100 meters. Once we finished that he told us ok finished. Go do kicks. So today we had to do 100 push kicks each leg, then a 100 side push kicks. I was on my last 100 side push kicks and my back foot slipped a little bit so when i kicked i was off balance and leg hit the bag wrong and buckled my knee. It hurt extremely bad. i couldnt stand on my right leg because it put too much pressure on my knee. But Master guo still kept an eye on us so i had to kick the bag still. I used less power but each time my leg hit the bag, i would feel a sharp pain. after a while i could kick harder and harder. I guess kicking with my leg either took my mind off the pain or something. When we all finished we went to dinner, late like usual. When i started walking i had a limp because the pain came back. Now i showered and got in bed. Going to rest because tomorrow is power training. I am not scared about that now, because afterward we have our extra training still! i dont want a welt across my back so i will push myself.
i tried thinking of a name for our group. i said we should be the Ninja turtles. Matheiu agreed with me. Raven and Anders said we should be power rangers. But i think ninja turtles are better. What do you think?
Wish me luck.
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