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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you heard of Kung Fu Laundry?


I am still pretty sore from yesterdays training.  Finally completed my sparring form in Wing Chun. I hope to start my Wooden Dummy form on MOnday.

After Lunch we were told there was NO MOUNTAIN RUN! Woohoo. Instead we had a small practice fighting for the evening class.  Took it easy for the rest of the evenings. Even went to dinner next door with Sam.

Woke up and went to town to do a bit of shopping. Basically some snacks and fruit for the week.  Bought some strawberries, bananas, persimions, and even MANGOSTEEN! I love mangosteen. I only had them in the Philipinese a long time ago!  Fresh Mangosteen are not allowed in California.  Frozen or canned that are available just don't taste the same as fresh.

I went to town with Jake, Z (the husband and wife from Australia), Rob, Billy, and Alex. Jake told me he always gets some Chicken Hearts and Chicken Liver for lunch off the sellers on the street. He insisted I should try some. My Dad used to make liver and make my sister and I eat some so I was never a big fan of liver. When we would smell him making the liver and onions we would try to leave the house. Well I was pretty interested in trying Chicken heart and I even got a chicken liver as well. It tasted great. I liked the heart more than the liver but they both tasted great. I spoke a little chinese to the cook and he asked Jake and I why we were in china. I told him we are here for Martial arts. He then asked for my age and i told him in chinese 18. Then he told me i looked chinese and if i am from china. I told him no i am from America but my Mom is Philipino. He seemed to understand.

When i got back i unpacked and cleaned up my room a bit. I had to do some laundry so i got my laundry bag and went to go walk down the stairs when i saw Z walking down the hall. I told her her backpack was open and her clothes looked like they where going to fall out. She said, " Oh its ok im just going to do my...." While she said that she turned around and saw me with my laundry bag. She looked up at me, then my bag, then started running down the stairs! We raced to the laundry room because only 2 of the washers work well and they are always being used. We raced because the looser would have a long wait until there would be a free washer!  She beat me to the laundry room but luckily both washers were free and we each got to use a machine.

After i brought my clothes up stairs i decided to do another load. WHile i was walking down stairs i saw Z again with another bag...we both looked at each other for a second then both ran to the wash room! But not to worry both washers were empty still.  Man!  Racing to the laundry? It is even "Kung Fu Laundry" here!.

Today was a lazy day. Mainly slept, ate, talked to friends and family online, and relaxed before monday came.

Monday morning a bit sore for training. Had a good session plus conditioning. Learned the Wooden Dummy form in Wing Chun. My knucles will turn blue while I practice this form, everyone who learnes this form ends up with blue knuckles. Reason being we are punching a huge wooden log over and over again. Good way to condition though.

Lunch was great and then learned more moves in my Baji form.

After class Master Guo told me if i want to practice my San Da i can practice with Lu Ping, his disciple. Great! I said 'sure'. Lu Ping doesnt speak a lot of english but he knows a few words to get by so i was wondering how training will be. Lu Ping just got back from training at the Shao Lin Monastery.  Lu Ping and i agreed to practice at 6:30, an hour after dinner. I wanted to do some pad work and practice, but he said 'meet you in the Ring'. I thought, "Oh No, he might want to spar with me...Crap." I went a bit early to the training hall and stretched a bit. When he showed up he grabbed some pads and i felt a wave of relief hit me. He showed me how to punch faster and harder and a few other technqiues. He would explain to me how to punch or kick by showing me what i do then say, "Wrong." Then he would do it correctly and say, "Right." Even though it was basic English understood him well. He explained to me how power comes at the end either the foot or hand. Just like a whip. 

We worked a bit on kicks as well. He kept telling me to bring my knee higher but i wasnt as flexible as him. So he says, " ok ok, put your leg on the bar and stretch it with your knee bent." So then he started pushing me closer to the bar and making me stretch more and it hurt. All of a sudden there was a loud pop from my hip...Lu Ping stops pushing me, looks at my hip, looks at me, then back to my hip. i laughed and i said its ok it didnt break. We practiced for about an hour in a half. Then he said he said thats enough for today. I said, "ok great! tomorrow more?" He said yes luckily. I will get the translator in class tomorrow to ask him if he would like to train tomorrow as well. He leaves in two weeks which is sad because i know he can teach me a lot. After we practiced and he left i practiced for a bit longer. Before i went to my room i went by Master Guo's office and told him that Lu Ping is amazing. I asked if he will come back since he is leaving in two weeks and Shifu said he will in the summer. Thought that will be great.

Made myself a breakfast of Oatmeal with real milk in my new bowl i bought on the weekend. Great little snack.  Now off to bed.

This morning was Wing CHun applications. Learned another cool move. I paired up with Mat and practiced a lot of applications. We asked Master Guo about one move. Problem is that every time i ask him how to do a move, he demonstrates ON ME  and all I see is a blur and then I'm on the ground. Oh, and I also feel pain. Then when he tells me to do it I some how know what moves to make and i understand it better. Pretty weird.

Then we had acrobatics. It was pretty fun. The take downs after where the best. I kept having to take Kjetil who is about 6'3 and its hard but eventually i get him. after class me and him just wrestled for about 10 mintues before lunch.

Afternoon class was stance training. Sam who always said Wing Chun stance training is weak, (since we dont use weights while in stance training, like the Shaolin groups do), told me after that our stance training is actually pretty hard. I asked Lu Ping if he wanted to train again after dinner and he agreed for 6:30.

I met Lu Ping in the ring. He said we do 'take downs' today. He showed me San Da take downs. Then when it was my turn to try he would throw me. He smiled and said, "If you take me down, you good." Each time that i tried to take him down he would do a move and throw me! Then he would say 'move faster' or 'do this' or that and then i would try and he would still throw me down. Then I finally put all the pieces together and threw him. He smiled and said 'good'. Then he taught me 3 more take downs. Each time i would have to take him down which took me a few trys then i got it. He would call 1, 2, 3 or 4 randomly and i would have to do that take down. It was intense training with him. One time i took him down but my shoulder hit his jaw and it hit so hard that I heard it. I thought crap! i probably hurt him! He just jumped right up and looked like nothing happened.  Eventually, we were out of time, he told me to practice those moves.

Today was a great training day.

Only problem was the radiators in the rooms are not working. Something is wrong with them so they are fixing them. In order to fix them the school said they had to shut off the radiators. It is super cold in the rooms right now. I hope we get some heat by tomorrow. This weekend i will be looking for a heating blanket some of the guys bought from the market. good investment i think.



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