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Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year (almost)

One week left until Chinese new years! I cant wait!


Trained in Wing Chun in the morning along with some acrobatics and take downs in the ring.

After dinner Sam and I did our workout in the training hall.

Once we finished i had my Mandarin lesson with Jenny. She is a tough teacher. I didnt practice since the lesson last night so when she said write the sentences without looking at the examples i forgot! We practiced a bit more and she taught me three more sentences. Before she left she told me if i forget any sentences tomorrow she will make me write that one sentence 100 times.

I practiced again for another hour once she left before i went to bed.


Today was power training. I wished i didnt train so hard last night. I was a bit sore this morning.

After dinner i did a little bit of ab training with sam.

Then practiced all of the sentences before i had my lesson. When Jenny came for my lesson i wrote all of them perfectly! I was impressed myself. A lot of the characters are mixed together to make one word. So its not hard to write, just memorizing which combination is which is the hard part.

When she left i was in bed watching some shows when i heard a knock on the door. It was Kjetil. He has been sayin he is leaving some time this week or next week so when i saw him i knew something was up. He told me he is leaving tomorrow and he came to say Goodbye! I was so sad! He asked if i wanted to buy his sword off of him. It was a nice red dragon sword. I said of course. We talked a little bit but then he had to start packing. I told him he will have to visit us again in Yantai or i'll go down to Gulin where he is and visit him. Kjetil left to go study just mandarin in a town called Gulin. He showed me pictures of the place and it looked beautiful.He is going to study with Jacob who is also leaving the academy with him. I was pretty sad for the rest of the night.

When we were talking we accidenttally woke sam up. I told Sam i hate it when people leave, esspecially if they are close friends. He agreed and said, "it feels like a social death trap. This place sucks you in, you work hard, train hard, feel pain together and then when one leaves its like a blow to the chest. It hurts." i could not agree more.


Today is an easy day. We always get the second class off. I usually use it to workout more or just condition. But today for the second class i asked Clement if he had time to teach me the chain whip. We spent almost over an hour practicing moves. The Chain whip was a bit scary because on the end of the whip is a huge point and it is heavy and if you get hit with it it really can cause damage. Clement hit his ankle and shin a couple times, I wacked myself in the back and leg as well. Its fun at the same time though. I always wanted to learn moves with the chain whip.

Trained with Sam after dinner but i did not have any mandrain lesson because Jenny was on duty that night. So i practiced my old sentences for a bit and then had a rest.

Today a few people went to get their Visas renewed, including me. Luckily Jake got back from Beijing last night because he had to go get his visa renewed today as well. During the long hours of waiting from spot to spot for the visas Jake and I played 'Worms Armageddon' on my Iphone. When a couple of other guys saw we were playing they wanted to play as well so we got a four man game going. Helped kill the time. I told them we all should download the game on our computers and play online or have a academy tournement going on. If you have not heard of the game, you should check it out. lots of fun. 'Worms' is a strategy game of some cartoon worms trying to win a 'worm war'. It is fun because of the kinds of weapons your worms can use. Some of the weapons includes 'sheep bomb' and 'banana bomb'.

After visas we got back just in time for the mountain run....lucky us. Had 20 minutes to change and get ready. I was so tired from the day and felt really lazy but i had to do the mountain run. Ended up doing 6 laps in the mountain run. The hard part was that half the trail was icy and the other half of the trail was burried in snow so people slipped a lot and couldnt run fast so it was even more difficult than usual.

Saturday bus

Spent the afternoon in Yantai with Sam and Eric. Got a couple things from the market and book store. I also went to the tattoo shop with Sam and Eric to talk to the guy if he can add the red to my tattoo next week since it will be Chinese new years and we have a week off of training.

Had dinner at the steak house and had a nice relaxing night in the bath house.

Getting back to the Academy was harder than usual. When i go to town on the weekends with Kyle, Kjetil, and Jacob, we usually take the bus from Yantai straight to Muping. I told Eric and Sam we can take the bus back in the morning since i knew the route and they never been on the bus before. When we got to the bus station the bus to kunyushan was already gone. So i told them we will take a bus to Muping then from there to Kunyushan. When we got to the Muping Bus station in yantai i got us three tickets and we were off to Muping. The ride was nice and simple. When we got to Muping i was not sure where the Muping to Kunyushan Bus station was. I only had done this route once. I had a feeling that it was this way so i told the guys i have no idea where to go but i think its this way. Luckily they followed me and i did go the right way because after 8 minutes of walking we made it to the station.

This is where the trip got difficult. We got on the bus which held about 20 people max. After we got on the bus there was only about 2 seats left. So we figured the bus will take off once it gets full. A few minutes later the bus was completely full and yet we still didnt take off. Then people kept getting in the bus, filling up the aisle in the middle! About 15 people piled in pushing and squeezing themselves on the bus. it was rediculous. Then when they all got on the bus driver started the bus and we were finally moving. We got to the bus station exit just about to pull into the street but the bus was stopped! One of the guards boarded the bus and made the people in the aisle get off. I guess they were not allowed to stand in the aisle. So we all relaxed a bit. the bus driver left the bus station and turned the corner and stoped. Then the same 15 people were waiting at the corner. The Bus driver pulled over and picked them up again! This time he only drove about 15 seconds down the street and then he got pulled over by a cop! The cop came on the bus and took pictures of the people in the aisle and the bus driver. We waited for about 10 minutes while the cop talked to the bus driver and kicked the people off. Then when the bus driver started driving again he drove across the street and picked up the same group of people. By now Eric, Sam, and I were getting a little annoyed because all we wanted to do is get back to the academy and rest. They all piled on the bus again.

This time i made a bet with Sam. I bet Sam 2 yuan that we will get pulled over again. We drove for a smooth 6 minutes straight and then a cop ran into the street to stop the bus. When the people in the aisle saw the cop they all ducked down...too late. The cop came on the bus took more pictures and kicked them off. Another 10 minutes of waiting went by and Sam paid up. i saw the group of people walk across the street and i told Sam they are going to get back on the BUS! Just like i said the driver drove across the street nd picked them up again. I bet Sam another 2 yuan we are going to get pulled over again. A smooth 15 minutes went by and then there was a cop car down the road! The driver saw it yelled something in chinese and the people in the aisle ducked. The cop didnt see. we made it back to the academy and i paid sam the 2 yuan because we did not get pulled over again i guess 4 times was enough but not enough to teach the driver or the 15 people not to cram in the bus!


Had a good training today since there is only two days of training this week.

After afternoon training i gave Master Guo his New Years gift. I bought him 400 yuan worth of Oolong tea. Earlier last week i asked him what his favorite tea was and it was Oolong so i knew what to buy him.

After dinner i helped train Sam for the ab workout but i did not train because i was training with Jake on weights later that night. By the time i finished helping Sam, Jake was there and started to workout. We worked out for about 3 hours doing chest, legs, ab workouts, and even stretching in the end. It was really fun.


Today is the last day of training for the week until monday. We only had morning training and then the translators and some of the masters are going home. We have a feast and fireworks here at the academy tomorrow but some of my friends and i might go to Yantai for the festival out there. I am so excited to see the fireworks. I saw a couple last weekend on the street and they were huge!! If i brought some of those home i bet i would be arrested for having BOMBS in my house.

Cant Wait to see!

More Blogs?
I will continue this blog as much as I can with the internet cutting out so much. But comment if you are enjoying this blog. Sometimes I think I might just be saying the same thing over and over. Tell me if this is getting too boring.

Welcome to my readers from around the world.
This month people who have read this blog are from

United States

United Kingdom









Well Happy Chinese New Year to everyone.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Fireworks, Magic and Kung Fu

January 24 2011

Been busy this past week. I have been training with Lu PIng after dinner every day this past week and i have been exhuasted and unable to write in my blog which is why i am a bit behind.

A quick recap of this last week. Almost done with my Baji form so by next grading i will be able to grade. In Wing Chun i am half way through the wooden dummy form. It has really helped me increase the speed of my reflexes as well as improve my footwork.

On Monday after dinner Kyle bought a block of fireworks for Ben's birthday and lit it. It was so LOUD AND BIG! The box itself was small but the fireworks that went off were Huge!! The block had many fireworks shoot out one after another. That one block lasted a long time. Sometimes it would pause and we would think it was over and we would go close and then another rocket would go off! At the end I said to Ben, "Dare you to touch it." He started walking towards it and i pulled him back right when another rocket went off. So we all decided to throw snow balls at it and still wait 3 minutes with no more rockets before approaching it. If one box of fireworks can be this exciting, I cant wait to see the fireworks on Chinese New Years here.

On wednsday in afternoon class i showed Lu Ping a magic trick with a coin. He was so amazed. So i told him after dinner when we finish training i will teach him a couple tricks. When I was in the US, I spent a lot of time and money learning magic tricks. I did tricks to friends and classmates, and used magic as an ice breaker to meet girls. Several times I even traveled to San Francisco to attend evening lectures by professional magicians. I say this just to explain that I really do know some cool, professional magic tricks.

Wednesday evening Lu Ping and I trained then after dinner I taught Lu Ping a couple coin tricks and even showed him a few card tricks. He asked me if i knew the trick how to put a coin into a bottle. I knew how but i have not done that trick in a long time so i told him i will show him tomorrow because i have to practice. All day Thursday i was practicing the bottle trick. Finally after we trained i showed him the trick. He could not believe it. It was funny to see the amazement on his face. He has spent his life learning about physics and gravity and the limits of the human body.... so when he sees an invisible coin snatched out of the air and materialize into a real coin in a closed bottle.... His expression of surprise must have matched mine when we practice and he make a small shift of his feet and I go flying across the room.

He When i finished the trick i handed him the bottle with the now visible coin in it and said 'Ok goodnight' in Chinese and started to walk away. I gave him the bottle because it really is an ordinary bottle and an ordinary coin. After looking at the bottle for a moment, he ran after me and asked me how i did it. Well, he begged me to tell him how I did it. I tried to run away but that was impossible. He looked really bothered because he could not understand the trick. So i taught him the trick and we walked around downstairs showing the bottle trick to the translators, some other students, and even a couple masters. It was a lot of fun.

Friday, After class Kjetil, Jacob, Ash, and I took the bus into Yantai to have a nice meal and relax at the bath house. We all decided to eat at my steak house. Had a T-bone steak. It is nice to eat a nice piece of meat after eating Veggies, Chicken, and RIce over...and over....and OVER!
Had a quiet weekend with cleaning and lot of laundry being done. It was really warm on Saturday and the snow began to melt. A few guys were talking during lunch how it must be the end of winter. Thank you global warming! Unfortunetly they spoke to soon. All day sunday it was snowing...snowing hard!

Lu Ping left yesterday.We all got to say goodbye before he took off. He will go home for new years and then go back to the Shaolin Temple for 9 more months. He might come back here afterwards. Hope i will be here when he gets back. Before he left, we wrote down the workouts we have been doing so when he leaves i can still workout on my own.

I also started watching a new American TV series on DVDs i got from a friend called 'Modern Family'. Its about a crazy family and it is hilarious. I sometimes watch it just because it reminds me of my family and helps me be less home sick sometimes.

After this week of training we have a week off of training due to Chinese New Year. During morning class Master Guo explained to us that right now is the coldest point of the year. Right now our muscles ache, we cant stretch far, we sometimes don't have a lot of energy, and training overall is hard. He said If we can train and focus through the cold weather, by the time spring comes everything will seem much easier and we will see major results.

For Chi gong class this morning we did it inside bedrooms in the academy because it was snowing badly outside and the wing chun hall was too cold. We all split up into 4 guys in each room. I taught one of the new students who never done Chi gong before how to do it properly. He didn't seem too interested in it. I told him if he does it correctly he will feel less pain when we condition our bodies later....he didn't listen. When we started hitting our hands and each other he barely participated.

After lunch i learned two more moves for my Baji form. I am 3 moves away from finishing my form!!! I know the last three moves but i can not show Master Guo that i know them because Mat taught me and Master gets mad when other students teach moves he did not show us yet. I hope i learn the rest by the end of the week!

Sam has been wanting to get a six pack so i told him i 'do abs' after dinner so i would be happy to help him if he would like to join me. We worked a bit of upper body first then finished the night off with abs. We did around 300 abs tonight. I went easy on him tonight. Did not want to kill him the first night, still he looked pretty worn out by the end.

After that i talked to one of the translators to give me private language lessons. I recognize and understand a lot of Chinese words during conversations but i do not know how to write in Chinese. I asked Jenny, the translator, if she can give me private lessons and i will pay her. Fortunatly she said she will teach me for free. So today she taught me how to write 6 characters. Seems like nothing but IT WAS HARD! Took me a little over 20 minutes to write the first character correctly. I learned how to write, Ni Hao Ma? Wo hen hao. Which means-How are you? I am fine. After an hour of lesson, we dicided to continue tomorrow.



Monday, January 17, 2011

WWE Kung Fu Style


Morning practice was fun. But of course Pain came around when Power training started.

Luckily the sun was out in the afternoon for our 'run to the gate' ordeal. It has been snowing all week. I ran a bit early before the bell rang for class. After the run, we started the warm ups for the Power training. Half way through we, the foreigners, were breathing heavy from all the jumps, kicks, and drills we do But Lu Ping ( Master Guo's 18 year old disciple) looked like he wasnt even breaking a sweat. I was shocked...and a bit jealous.

When we started the partner stretching I asked Lu Ping to partner up with me...mistake #1.

We started off with the "legs out straight while partner pushes your back so your head can touch your knee"....I dont know the name if you couldnt tell. I went first, Lu Ping started pushing down and i could have eaten my knee if i wanted too. It hurt really bad! I couldnt go any further but he kept pushing me down. My knees were bending since i was hurting pretty bad and my body said 'no more stretching' so i said, "Done". Lu Ping didnt hear me or understand and reached down and grabbed my knees and forced them down so i said a little louder, "Done!". After a few more seconds of pain I shouted, "OK DONE!" A little louder than i expected.

After that we did a couple single stretches and then we partnered up for the butterfly stretches. I asked Lu PIng again...mistake #2.

For this stretch i went first again. He stood on my knees and pushed my back down. He went a little easier this time or i possibly became a parapelegic after mistake #1 and have no feeling left in the lower half of my body.

After that we did the stretch were you sit face to face with the partner and the other guy puts his feet on the inside of your legs and pulls your body towards him. Asked Lu Ping again...mistake #3.

I went first of course and he barely pulled me forward. I was a little shocked because i was ready for pain. Then after i relaxed a bit he tightened his grip and yanked me forward. I was yelling a bit. I have no idea if he felt my body relax or what but i was shocked.

We finished up a few more exercises and then ended the class. Thanked Lu Ping for the pain and then headed upstairs. The radiators havent been working so the room has been pretty cold.

Got ready for bed and knocked out from a long day.


Had an easy day today. Took it pretty easy since my knee has been starting to hurt. I think its just the cold. Will start wearing my knee brace.


Morning took it pretty easy. For the afternoon class instead of doing the Mountain run we did take downs in the ring with just our class. A lot of people didnt show up to class because they were sick or just cold so the only people wrestled were Clement, Kjetil, Sam, Joseph, Lu Ping, and me. We did the same kind of arragment as last time where 1 person wrestles each person 2 times win or lose. Its tiring but fun. So what happens is that I fight Kjetil twice, then i fight Sam twice, then Lu Ping twice, then Clement, then Joseph. without taking break... then after i fight them all, Kjetil gets in the ring and fights everyone and so on.

I got taken down a few times and took them down a few times when it was my turn. But I never took Lu Ping down though. The extra training I did with Lu Ping helped me win a lot of matches. But since he knew the moves he taught me on Tuesday he knew what i was doing and took me down quick when i would try those on him! Did the new moves on the other guys and they worked. I would try other take downs on Lu Ping but he has some awesome counter attacks. 

After training it was a couple guy's birthdays, and four guys were leaving the school this weekend so about 25 students including me planned a massive dinner out in Yantai. Before we left there was a huge power out. Luckily we were not staying. Came back Saturday morning and just relaxed all day. The academy was still freezing. So went out Sunday with Sam. On the way to town we heard a repeating thud sound in the Taxi. Sounded very much like the back right tire on the taxi. Sam tried to look out the window to see the tire but couldn't see it. While he was looking at that i was looking for a seat belt. I couldn't find a sigle seatbelt in the car! I told the driver, "Bu Hao." And pointed to the tire. He pulled over and looked at the tire. He did something to it outside then put a tire chain in the trunk. Luckily it was just the snow chain that had came off and not a flat tire. 

We made it to town and i bought a heated blanket, some more food for the week, and a jacket that i had seen on Saturday for Lu Ping. Since he been training me I wanted to get him a gift before he leaves. Last Saturday I wasn't sure if it was the right size when i saw it so when i went back Saturday I quickly looked at his jacket size when he wasn't looking so i knew what jacket i should get him. Gave it to him in the evening with the translator who i got so she can tell him that i bought it for him since he has been training me and he is leaving soon. He was so happy when he got it, he had a huge smile from ear to ear.

The radiators started working but it is still freezing. trying out my new heated blanket right now and its amazing!

Had a great weekend and the power has been going out all day. The internet has not been up at all today either so it has been a bit fustrating. Hope it will be on soon! I will keep Blogging when I have power and internet!



Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you heard of Kung Fu Laundry?


I am still pretty sore from yesterdays training.  Finally completed my sparring form in Wing Chun. I hope to start my Wooden Dummy form on MOnday.

After Lunch we were told there was NO MOUNTAIN RUN! Woohoo. Instead we had a small practice fighting for the evening class.  Took it easy for the rest of the evenings. Even went to dinner next door with Sam.

Woke up and went to town to do a bit of shopping. Basically some snacks and fruit for the week.  Bought some strawberries, bananas, persimions, and even MANGOSTEEN! I love mangosteen. I only had them in the Philipinese a long time ago!  Fresh Mangosteen are not allowed in California.  Frozen or canned that are available just don't taste the same as fresh.

I went to town with Jake, Z (the husband and wife from Australia), Rob, Billy, and Alex. Jake told me he always gets some Chicken Hearts and Chicken Liver for lunch off the sellers on the street. He insisted I should try some. My Dad used to make liver and make my sister and I eat some so I was never a big fan of liver. When we would smell him making the liver and onions we would try to leave the house. Well I was pretty interested in trying Chicken heart and I even got a chicken liver as well. It tasted great. I liked the heart more than the liver but they both tasted great. I spoke a little chinese to the cook and he asked Jake and I why we were in china. I told him we are here for Martial arts. He then asked for my age and i told him in chinese 18. Then he told me i looked chinese and if i am from china. I told him no i am from America but my Mom is Philipino. He seemed to understand.

When i got back i unpacked and cleaned up my room a bit. I had to do some laundry so i got my laundry bag and went to go walk down the stairs when i saw Z walking down the hall. I told her her backpack was open and her clothes looked like they where going to fall out. She said, " Oh its ok im just going to do my...." While she said that she turned around and saw me with my laundry bag. She looked up at me, then my bag, then started running down the stairs! We raced to the laundry room because only 2 of the washers work well and they are always being used. We raced because the looser would have a long wait until there would be a free washer!  She beat me to the laundry room but luckily both washers were free and we each got to use a machine.

After i brought my clothes up stairs i decided to do another load. WHile i was walking down stairs i saw Z again with another bag...we both looked at each other for a second then both ran to the wash room! But not to worry both washers were empty still.  Man!  Racing to the laundry? It is even "Kung Fu Laundry" here!.

Today was a lazy day. Mainly slept, ate, talked to friends and family online, and relaxed before monday came.

Monday morning a bit sore for training. Had a good session plus conditioning. Learned the Wooden Dummy form in Wing Chun. My knucles will turn blue while I practice this form, everyone who learnes this form ends up with blue knuckles. Reason being we are punching a huge wooden log over and over again. Good way to condition though.

Lunch was great and then learned more moves in my Baji form.

After class Master Guo told me if i want to practice my San Da i can practice with Lu Ping, his disciple. Great! I said 'sure'. Lu Ping doesnt speak a lot of english but he knows a few words to get by so i was wondering how training will be. Lu Ping just got back from training at the Shao Lin Monastery.  Lu Ping and i agreed to practice at 6:30, an hour after dinner. I wanted to do some pad work and practice, but he said 'meet you in the Ring'. I thought, "Oh No, he might want to spar with me...Crap." I went a bit early to the training hall and stretched a bit. When he showed up he grabbed some pads and i felt a wave of relief hit me. He showed me how to punch faster and harder and a few other technqiues. He would explain to me how to punch or kick by showing me what i do then say, "Wrong." Then he would do it correctly and say, "Right." Even though it was basic English understood him well. He explained to me how power comes at the end either the foot or hand. Just like a whip. 

We worked a bit on kicks as well. He kept telling me to bring my knee higher but i wasnt as flexible as him. So he says, " ok ok, put your leg on the bar and stretch it with your knee bent." So then he started pushing me closer to the bar and making me stretch more and it hurt. All of a sudden there was a loud pop from my hip...Lu Ping stops pushing me, looks at my hip, looks at me, then back to my hip. i laughed and i said its ok it didnt break. We practiced for about an hour in a half. Then he said he said thats enough for today. I said, "ok great! tomorrow more?" He said yes luckily. I will get the translator in class tomorrow to ask him if he would like to train tomorrow as well. He leaves in two weeks which is sad because i know he can teach me a lot. After we practiced and he left i practiced for a bit longer. Before i went to my room i went by Master Guo's office and told him that Lu Ping is amazing. I asked if he will come back since he is leaving in two weeks and Shifu said he will in the summer. Thought that will be great.

Made myself a breakfast of Oatmeal with real milk in my new bowl i bought on the weekend. Great little snack.  Now off to bed.

This morning was Wing CHun applications. Learned another cool move. I paired up with Mat and practiced a lot of applications. We asked Master Guo about one move. Problem is that every time i ask him how to do a move, he demonstrates ON ME  and all I see is a blur and then I'm on the ground. Oh, and I also feel pain. Then when he tells me to do it I some how know what moves to make and i understand it better. Pretty weird.

Then we had acrobatics. It was pretty fun. The take downs after where the best. I kept having to take Kjetil who is about 6'3 and its hard but eventually i get him. after class me and him just wrestled for about 10 mintues before lunch.

Afternoon class was stance training. Sam who always said Wing Chun stance training is weak, (since we dont use weights while in stance training, like the Shaolin groups do), told me after that our stance training is actually pretty hard. I asked Lu Ping if he wanted to train again after dinner and he agreed for 6:30.

I met Lu Ping in the ring. He said we do 'take downs' today. He showed me San Da take downs. Then when it was my turn to try he would throw me. He smiled and said, "If you take me down, you good." Each time that i tried to take him down he would do a move and throw me! Then he would say 'move faster' or 'do this' or that and then i would try and he would still throw me down. Then I finally put all the pieces together and threw him. He smiled and said 'good'. Then he taught me 3 more take downs. Each time i would have to take him down which took me a few trys then i got it. He would call 1, 2, 3 or 4 randomly and i would have to do that take down. It was intense training with him. One time i took him down but my shoulder hit his jaw and it hit so hard that I heard it. I thought crap! i probably hurt him! He just jumped right up and looked like nothing happened.  Eventually, we were out of time, he told me to practice those moves.

Today was a great training day.

Only problem was the radiators in the rooms are not working. Something is wrong with them so they are fixing them. In order to fix them the school said they had to shut off the radiators. It is super cold in the rooms right now. I hope we get some heat by tomorrow. This weekend i will be looking for a heating blanket some of the guys bought from the market. good investment i think.



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Back home from the Beijing Adventure!

Just a recap on this adventure.

During the two week break, Sam, Olivia, Danny, and I went to look around Beijing for 7 days.

We stayed in a Green Tree Hotel by a Subway so it was easy for us to move around.

Day 1 was the Plane ride and then just at the hotel as i discribed in the last blog.

Day 2
Got breakfast in our hotel before heading out to The Forbidden City. Taxis are not too expensive here but Danny found a route that we can take to the Forbidden city by using subway. The Subways here are very cheap, 2 yuan. No matter what stop you get off at you only have to pay an entrance fee which is 2 yuan and you can transfer to different trains as many times as you like. Only in Beijing the subway is like that. Other places like Shanghai and BART in SF charge depending on distance. I imagined the Subway being packed with no room to move because that was my experience in the Airport subway so i wasnt too thrilled about going in the subway. You can imagin how happy Sam was to know that it was only two yuan for the subway since he couldnt spend a lot of money due to his tight budget.

When we got into the Subway car there were a lot of room, we even got to sit down. I was shocked. Our destination was about 30 min away from our hotel. During the ride Danny looked a bit nervous. I asked him if he was ok. He told me he was nervous. He doesnt like Subways either!! I told him he is a "small time boy living in a up town...CITY called BEIJING!"

We got off at the stop right by the Forbidden city. Across from the city there was Tian Min and we saw a bit of that before we went to the Forbidden city. The place was MASSIVE! It was super windy but luckily i wore enough jackets. We took many pictures there but a lot of people would crowed around a view and it would be hard for me to take a good picture so i had Danny who is tall take pictures since he can get a better view! I was shocked to notice that many of the tourists where chinese or Korean. I thought a lot of Koreans where chinese people but Danny could notice the difference easily. There where a few westerners but not as many as i thought.

The wind began to blow harder while we were there. We kept walking forward because we wanted to see the whole place. The buildings looked a bit same and it seemed like we were walking in a circle! But the rooms were different and had different stories behind each one. We finally made it to the Garden and then the exit soon after. It was a nice experience but we were extremely cold! It was worth it because now i can say i have been to the Forbidden City!

We were starving so we were waiting to get a taxi to bring us to the food court. While we were waiting a lady came over with a dragon statue. it was really nice but she wanted 150 yuan for it. Danny told us dont buy it its fake and bad quiality. Once he said that we all stopped lookin at it and the lady got so pissed off since we didnt want it anymore and started yelling at danny. Full on screaming in chinese. It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard and she just kept yelling at him. Later when she left we asked danny what she said and he said she was saying why didnt i help her sell it instead of telling you guys not to buy it and some bad words. Then Danny said we will go get a Traditional Chinese lunch.

We arrived at a 6 floor mall. I said, "Sure looks traditional." At the top floor there was a restaurant that served traditional hot pot. Its like the regular hot pot but it had a huge volcano of coal in the middle that heated up the food. This was how the ancient Emperor ate.

After lunch we walked around the mall a bit and saw a magic store! Got a couple things that i never seen before back in the US.

We went back to the hotel after that by taxi. In the car danny looked a bit nervous as well. I asked him are you scared of taxis too?? He told me that the city just makes him a bit nervous. I laughed but he is from a small town so i guess that makes sense.

Had a long day and had a rest for tomorrows adventure.

Day 3
Ill try to explain how Beijing looks like to me. Imagine San Fransico's China Town took over the entire Bay. Chinese stores everywhere, chinese street signs, Chinese people walking around. Then get rid of the hills and that is exactly what Beijing looks like. Big tall building everywhere, Highways, A lot of cars and traffic, buildings close together, and a lot of people walking around. I felt like i was back home.

Next day we went and got Breakfast. Then Olivia, Sam, and I wanted to go to the Zoo. So we all took a taxi to the zoo. I realllllllly wanted to see Pandas while i was here.

The Zoo was bigger than i thought it would be. We went and saw the Pandas first. They are so ADORABLE! I wanted to hug one! We saw two pandas running around and fighting. I sait they were practicing for the next Kung Fu panda movie. The funny thing was they looked like they were doing our Kung Fu moves. When they fought they did San Da take downs, there was a wooden pole that looked exactly like the Wing Chun Dummy at the academy and the bar was hitting them like he knew wing chun, one of the bears were medidating like Qigong in the back round. It was hilarious. We went and saw Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, OH MY! Also elephants and many other animals. Seeing all the animals made me miss my pets a lot!

Then had dinner then went to the olyimpic statium! It was 8pm, dark, but all the lights were on and it looked amazing. Only problem was it seemed to be -7 Degrees out plus strong winds! We tried to look for the entrance but everything looked closed... We finally found the entrence and the guard said it was closed!

Well we took a couple pictures before we left and we decided we will come back another day and we went back to hotel.

Day 4
Today was a pretty relaxed day. Had breakfast and then went to subway to summer palace.

It was freezing cold there so we didnt stay around long. Went to the Peking University instead because i wanted to check out some schools over here.

Walked around the campus. It was a really nice place. Will look into international business. Maybe go to college here.  Went to mall to eat and do a little shopping for gifts for back home.

Got an early night because its the olympic city tomorrow. and this time we are going during the morning!

Day 5
Went to the Olympic City. The place was huge!! We stared off at the Aquatic center. Saw the pools and they made a huge water park inside the center to keep people coming i guess. Looked around at a few exhibits upstairs then headed over to the birds nest. Chinese people would be standing around trying to sell items. One guy was selling Gold Metals. I thought about getting one but wasnt sure and the guy saw me looking. He immediatly ran over to me and tried to bargin. I didn't want it anymore after he said 300 yuan so i said in Chinese, "Dont want, but he wants" and pointed to Sam. he immediately started trying to get Sam to buy and Sam doesnt spend any money on anything only if he has too, so he knew i was teasing him and ran away from the guy. It was hilarious seeing Sam's reaction though.

Then we went into the Birds Nest where they have the field games. It was turned into a Giant Snow land. Snow was everywhere, Inflatable castles were everywhere, i guess the Chinese utilizes their buildings.

Then few of our friends from Yantai that we met at a club a few times was in Beijing for New years so after we washed up at the Hotel we went to meet them. Played a bit of pool and Sam and Olivia were picked to play a chinese game on the stage which was hilarious to watch how red they both got. I didnt know what the rules where but they were bouncing up and down saying chinese words and all the chinese people int he room were laughing. It was great but they were so embarresed after. After a bit we decided to go to a dance club by there and enjoy the New Years. Had the countdown, saw fireworks, and danced a loooooot. Had a great night. Never Celebrated New Years like that before. I will always remember that night.

We were originally planning to leave tomorrow but we didnt do the Great wall yet so we extended our stay for two more days and we got a Great Wall tour company to pick us up from the hotel and bring us back when it was over. Danny didnt want to go to the great wall so instead of paying him for extra days as translator, since we didnt need him he asked if he can go ahead and go back home. We didnt mind and since he helped us so much on the trip we took him out for one last dinner.

He got us our train tickets and ssecured everything for the hotels and we said our goodbyes that night. It was a really sad night. It felt like losing another brother. We were all upset but i told him i will visit him sometime again and we will keep intouch for sure.

Day 6

We paid 150 for a tour to the Great Wall. Started at 7am and ends at 6pm.

That morning We all got up at 6 to get ready. We get downstairs right at 7 and ask the front where the Tour lady is. They desk guy didnt speak a lot of english but managed to say Ba Dian, meaning 8 am. My chinese has improved a lot during this trip. I can recognize and understand a lot more words now. We were all a bit mad when he told us that the lady would be here at 8am instead of 7. So we decided to get some breakfast in the hotel. He didnt understand what we were trying to say and then he got a call and told us the tour lady is outside! Thank god we didnt get breakfast!

We picked up four other people for the trip, two ladies from England and a couple from who knows where. we went to the great wall and not a lot of people where there since it ws early so it was perfect for climbing and taking pictures. We had an hour to climb 800 meters to the fourth tower. We made it to the 5th tower in 40 minutes. It felt just like the mountain run! Good thing we have 3 months of prior training of walking up steep steps up mountains! The view was amazing from the Wall. We could look down and see more and more peoople where walking up the Wall and it must be terrible being crowed on the narrow walls. I told Sam half way we should build a lift to bring people down from the top of the wall and charge 1 yuan per person to make some money. On the way down a lot of people where saying where is the water and i need a soda and Sam told me we should buy a vending machine and put a couple on the way up and make a lot of money. I thought it was funny how us Jews where thinking of ways top make money on a ancient tour site. 

When we met up with the group we were told we are going to a jade factoy. I asked for free because all i thought the tour was to the great wall. It was free and we learned how to tell if a jade bracelet is fake or not. With a real jade bracelet, women are suppose to wear it on their left wrist and every day for 15 minutes rub the bracelet gently on the pulse of your wrist and they say within 6 months it will remove wrinkles in the face and improve your health which is why jade is also called the magic jade.

After the tour we walked around the shop. When the workers would see us they would rush to us and try to sell us things. Luckily sam was with me so i would tell them that he wanted it and i would slip away. he would get so mad at me. I ended up buying a couple gifts and then we all headed back to the van. Then she told us ok we go to lunch which is free. We had a huge lunch all for free which was amazing! Then we were able to walk around a small shopping center. After that we were told we are going to a foot massage place. Again i was shocked and said for free? and the tour guide, kathy, said of course its in the tour. Got the best foot massage but then doctors came out and told us indivitually that there is something wrong with us and we should pay 2400 yuan for medicine. we all said no. After that we headed to a Silk factory. Learned how they made silk from the larva caccoons and other materials. it was pretty interesting and i didnt mind since each place was a surprise for us three.

When we left the silk factory we went and had tea at Dr. Tea's tea house. we tried 5 different teas and they were amazing. During that the other couple who stayed to themself thoughout the other tours began to talk to us and the English Ladies who were extremely nice. The couple is from Russia. THey didnt speak much english but we were able to communicate through gestures and a few words but we all had many laughs. After that we went to a Pearl FActory and saw how they got pearls from fresh water oysters. WHen we finished the Russians invited all of us to dinner. We all agreed to meet at the Russians hotel in two hours so we can get ready and wash up. The Russians names where Ruslan and Nora. The english ladies names were Shilla and Nimera. 

We all met up at 8 and went to an amazing ROAST DUCK resturant. I have been wanting chinese duck since i got here and we went to the most famous resturant in beijing for duck. Had a great meal but cost 1050 for the 7 of us. Ruslan tried saying he was going to pay for it all but we all told him no and split it 7 ways! We communicated with the russians like cave men would. Lot of gestures and small words. It was an interesting experience but it was very fun! AFter that we went to KTV to do some singing. I was meeting a friend at 11 so i sang a little then left. Met up with my friend and just hung out till Sam and the English ladies joined us and we all danced and Sam and i headed back to the hotel exhuasted.

We were leaving tomorrow so it was an amazing way to end this amazing trip in beijing. All of us miss training soooo much. We were talking about it and i miss my master, my friends, and even the pain!

Day 7
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles...

Today we woke up after a long sleep and packed and headed to the train station. Had a snack before we went into the station. It was amazing how many people did not speak any English in Beijing. Noone in the station spoke english when we asked them where we go so i would communicate in mandarin and managed to get us to our location 2 hours early. So we went to a cafe close by and i began to write my blog for the last few days.

Now we made it on the train and we are on a hardsleep. Meaning there are three bunk beds on each side and sam and i got both bottom beds and olivia is next door on the other bottom bed. Good Bye BEIJING...Hello KUNYUSHAN!!

Day 8
The train was ok. Better than I thought it would be. It reminded me of an old Navy warship. Went to sleep around 10pm and kept waking up every four hours it seemed either by loud noises or people walking around, it sucks to be a light sleeper. Arrived in Yantai around 7am. We were all super tired, cold, and just wanted to sleep! We found a taxi to take us to Kunyushan. Made it back to the academy around 745am. We were all going to unpack and rest but i saw master guo and he was smiling when he saw me and i couldnt say hey master Guo im going to take the day off when he was happy to see me! so i went upstairs changed and went to class.

I MISSED CLASS A LOT! It was great to get up and move and fight. Sam and Olivia went upstairs to sleep. Sam didnt feel good so i cant blaim him. Today was Power training though. After the morning classes i was exhuasted but i stuck through power training. It seemed super hard today, i dont know if its because i didnt train hard for a week or if i am just tired from a 16 hour train ride but i was dead after.

There is a new student in our class. His name is Lu Ping. He is Master Guos "disicple" you can say. He is 16 or 17 and master Guo has been teaching ihm since he was 8. Last year master Guo sent him to study in the shaolin temple for a year because he said, "he needs to suffer for a little." I was shocked Master Guo said that!!

He is a very good fighter, his moves are so presis, low stances, looks professional. During warmups i would try to go as low as him or as fast as him. helps me train harder. I was so tired i feel asleep.

Day 9 (Today)
I woke up sooooooo sore!!! I dont know if it was because of the hard training yesterday or if my muscles arent used to pain again.

Instead of running we now shovel snow off the drive way and walk way for warm up. The other guys complain about it but i see it as playing in the snow!

Felt good to stretch out again during morning class. Had a pretty easy morning then San Da in the afternoon. Paired up with Jake and worked a lot of Monuvering around and kicks. Im exhuasted.

Dinner was great and did abs with Jospeh after.

Its Great to be back home.
